You can find your future
by default or by design.

There’s the future you drift into by default; the one you’ll eventually arrive at due to little consciousness or creativity. 

And then there’s the future you design;
the one you create with clarity and commitment.

I help you find your future facing conversation; the one you’ve been waiting for with yourself, your team, your future.


My collaborative approach ensures shared understanding so we can co-create solutions that are aligned and accurate to your unique needs and goals.

  • 1:1 Coaching

    You need a creative and strategic thinking partner to work through a challenge, navigate a transition, unlock your development.

  • Team Coaching

    You want to strengthen and align your team, holding them capable to grow their capacity.

  • Facilitation

    You are looking to craft a customized offsite, retreat, or group experience beyond your usual ways of meeting.

  • Learning Design

    You want to create learning experiences and need help with learning design, curriculum development, and content creation.

  • Assessments

    You need to grow the relationship intelligence of your leadership or teams, through tools like Core Strengths or the EQi 2.0


For people ready to get unstuck, build their creative capacity, and take their next step, I offer non-directive coaching to leaders and their teams, creatives, and people working in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors.

  • Coaching is an opportunity for you to move forward. Through powerful question asking, in an environment of high challenge and high support, you will identify barriers, find fresh insight, and move toward your unique personal and professional goals.

    While counselling holds a backwards glance to make sense of your past, coaching holds a forward glance to make sense of your future—to see the shifts and steps needed to get you there. Coaching is the simple and powerful combination of Curiosity + Conversation + Collaboration + Creativity + Change = Unstucking.

  • Coaching is for people who are ready to create their future and finally address their unlived lives.

    While I like to say everyone needs a coach, you may especially be ready for coaching if you find yourself feeling the need to:

    • elevate your performance and deepen your emotional intelligence

    • work through complex decisions with a strategic and unbiased ‘thinking partner’

    • address habits, mindsets, emotions that keep tripping you up

    • be skillful in career endings, beginnings, and in- betweens

    • discover or recover the core vision and values of your life

  • As a Certified Leadership Coach, I offer non-directive coaching to leaders and their teams, creatives and solopreneurs, and people working in the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors. 

  • I help creative people remember how creative they are.

    My commitment is to hold confidentiality, to hold space and to hold hope for the changes you most want to make. I do this with a non-anxious and non-judgmental presence so you can think out loud, discover what matters most to you, test drive ideas, and take action.

    With a multidisciplinary approach to the creative process, my work is full of respect, challenge, delight, and curiosity.

    I work well with people who are authentic and open; those ready to engage with a growth mindset; and those who know their best work is ahead of them.

  • The neuroscience is clear—when you say it out loud, activation and change occur. Coaching expands your world by utilizing insight-based learning for expansion of what’s possible.

    As Atul Gawande says, “If you want to get great at something, get a coach.” Coaching gives you a secret weapon so that your work/performance/project goes from okay to extraordinary. Coaching is for people who want to get better—to create their future and finally address their unlived lives.

    At the heart of what I do in coaching is help creative people remember just how creative they are.

    You have more capacity than you know. You have the ability to say no and to say yes—you have so much power to make choices. Coaching is for the recovery of who you are, so you can reimagine what you can do. There is more possibility than you are seeing in this moment.

“Human conversation is the most ancient and easiest way to cultivate the conditions for change—personal change, community and organizational change, planetary change. If we can sit together and talk about what’s important to us, we begin to come alive.”

Margaret Wheatley


I work with groups to design and host community conversations, workshops, retreats, design sprints, strategic planning, and meetings for humans to be human in.

  • I’m here to help as a guide for your meetings, workshops, retreats, off-sites, and sprints.

    My facilitation expertise helps ensure that your gathering is aligned with purpose, runs smoothly, draws out the best of your people, and delivers results.

  • My work is animated by empathy and curiosity. During our pre-planning conversations I will make sure to listen well to the questions, backstory, and purpose of your meeting/gathering.

    Rooted in Participatory Leadership, Design Methods, and Systems Thinking, your custom designed meeting will include a combination of playful and productive interaction, powerful conversations, creative exercises, and leave you with a sense of gathered momentum. 

    I have an unshakeable belief that the thing we’re looking for—the courage, leadership, clarity, answers—are in the people. Together we can draw out these things through conversation and collaboration.

    I believe we need better meetings, really, a more empathetic and efficient use of our most valuable resource: people.  

    I believe facilitated conversation is the need of the hour in a fractured, fragmented, and frightened world. We don’t need more experts but we do need more empowerment—to harness the collective genius of the group, to amplify rarely heard voices, to hold space for your innovation to emerge.

  • Whether you’re looking to generate new ideas, make critical decisions, or strengthen team dynamics, I’m here to help design and facilitate a process that’s both enjoyable and effective.

  • In-person, online or hybrid, I’ve got you covered.

    For larger engagements, I’ve got a roster of experienced and well-trusted facilitators I pull in for collaboration.

  • We aren’t merely planning a meeting; we’re planning a harvest of insight and action—tangible outcomes your group can take and implement for real change making.

    Outcomes and possibilities that can be designed for include:

    • Engage deeper listening to increase alignment so that you can work together and communicate better

    • Discover a shared vocabulary, focus your innovation, build creative capacity and animate wise action

    • Cultivate organizational health by attending to your people and culture

    • Find greater efficiency and stewardship of resources—your time, finances, energy, people

    • Increase the connection, innovation, and satisfaction within your working relationships

    • Make informed decisions; make real strides forward